Jan 2019
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Antivirus Protection for Flash Drives

Extend Award-Winning Virus Protection Beyond the Firewall

USB Flash drives are a critical part of mobile business infrastructure. Employees often transport large amounts of critical data on Flash drives and take them wherever they go. Corporate employees can access the Flash drive data on any computer they are using and load new files from those same computers. But as easy as Flash drives make it to carry data, they make it just as easy to pick up and spread viruses and malware / ransomware from one machine to another while introducing malicious code onto corporate networks. Note: The portable version of AV program can only scan / sanitize the USB drive but not the host system.

You can ensure your Flash drives are secure and virus-free with ClevX DriveSecurity™. Powered by ESET’s proactive portable anti-malware technology that prevents malware from spreading via removable media, it’s a simple, bulletproof way to keep Flash drives clean.

Just as anti-virus programs monitor your hard drives and servers, ClevX DriveSecurity maintains a constant watch over the contents of your Flash drive. Designed to run without installation, its compact and powerful antivirus engine – which resides on and runs from the drive itself – ensures your Flash drives are free of all malware / ransomware.

DriveSecurity powered by ESET is available as an option on Kingston’s DataTraveler® Vault Privacy 3.0 (DTVP30) secure USB Flash drives:


Easy to Deploy

  • DriveSecurity automatically activates its license on the Flash drive when the drive is first initialized by the end user.
  • When DriveSecurity is used in a corporate environment, you may need to set exceptions for proxy settings, firewalls, whitelisting, etc.

No Installation Required

  • Everything is ready to launch when you first plug in the Kingston drive. You install nothing on either the Flash drive nor on any computer. No administrator privilege is necessary. Will not interfere with the host computer’s own on-board AV (if installed).

Fast, Lean and Smart

  • DriveSecurity is fast, accurate, with strong heuristic malware detection, packaged in a portable application with a very small storage footprint. The heuristic antivirus capabilities enable DriveSecurity to provide effective virus protection even against unknown threats and without up-to-date signatures.
  • Virus signature definition data is updated automatically on the drive every hour when an Internet connection is available.

Instant Alerts

  • If a virus is detected, you will see an alert in the System Tray icon. Click on it to view the infected files and take remedial action.

System Requirements

Operating Systems

Drive Security runs on any Windows® 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista®, Windows XP and Mac OS X v. 10.9.x - 10.12.x computer.

Drive Space

DriveSecurity needs approximately 300 MB of space on the flash drive.

Flexible Licensing

The standard 5-year license for the ESET Antivirus engine includes software and virus definition updates.

Start Protection Today

Keep your flash drives free of viruses by extending your antivirus protection beyond the firewall. Contact your Kingston reseller today to add DriveSecurity antivirus protection to your Kingston secure USB drives.

How DriveSecurity Works

DriveSecurity™ is licensed by the Unique Device Identifier (UDI) of your Flash drive; no admin privileges are needed. When the drive owner authenticates to the Flash drive, DriveSecurity launches immediately. It updates its virus signature and scans any changes (all new files, applications, etc.) to the Flash drive. Upon user request, it checks the entire Flash drive to ensure that it is free of malicious code. It stands as a barrier to protect the drive from being compromised by viruses resident on the host PC

DriveSecurity Virus Detection: Here you can see some of the types of infected files ClevX DriveSecurity detects.

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