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support category usb
DataTraveler Exodia M (DTXM)

DataTraveler Exodia M - Support


832342139 3:08

Using a USB drive on a Mac

832341773 2:52

Using a USB drive with Ubuntu Linux

832341957 3:16

Using a USB drive on a Windows PC

Frequently Asked Questions

This is common for flash storage, whether internal SSD or external USB storage. It is due in part to a variance in how flash memory vs spinning platter hard drive manufacturers calculate megabyte. Hard drive manufacturers calculate a megabyte (or 1,000x1,000 bytes) as 1,000KBs, whereas the binary calculation for flash-based storage is 1,024KBs.

Example: For a 1TB flash-based storage device, Windows will calculate it as having a capacity of 931.32GB. (1,000,000,000,000÷1,024÷1,024÷1,024=931.32GB).

Furthermore, Kingston reserves some of the listed capacity for formatting and other functions, such as firmware and/or controller-specific information, and thus some of the listed capacity is not available for data storage.

FAQ: KDT-010611-GEN-06

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Our flash drives are plug-n-play devices. Therefore, additional drivers are not required.

FAQ: KDT-110611-GEN-09

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Although it is possible to boot from the DataTraveler, it is not a feature Kingston supports.These drives are intended as storage devices.

FAQ: KTD-082913-GEN-27

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