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NVMe SSDs for client systems

NVMe SSDs for client systems

NVMe SSDs in client systems, such as desktops, laptops or workstations, greatly improve overall performance with faster speeds and a simpler form factor designed with efficient flash NAND technology. In general, SSDs have faster read and write speeds than traditional spinning disk drives, but they gain even greater read and write speeds when using a NVMe interface. Most SATA SSDs have read speeds of around 500MB/s while high-end NVMe SSDs are capable of around 7,000MB/s.

NVMe LogoNVMe is leading the new standard of SSDs and Kingston’s NVMe SSDs are designed to provide a range of storage solutions that are a great choice for new PC builds, laptops/notebooks and storage system upgrades. Improved systems and PC performance also mean better performance in software and applications such as 3D rendering, gaming and content creation.

PC performance

NVMe SSDs can do a lot to improve your PC performance. Storage was the last bottleneck for fast data transfers because of limitations of the SATA interface. With the arrival of NVMe protocols that utilise the PCIe interface, storage is no longer the bottleneck. Some areas of PC performance that would benefit from NVMe are:
  • Speed - Startup and faster file loading
  • Performance - Removal of storage bottlenecks from workflows
  • Power efficiency - Better performance from fewer drives
  • Compatibility - Smaller standard sizes for an array of uses

NVMe SSD photo with added visualization of speed/performanceNVMe can deliver incredible sustained read and write speeds compared to SATA III. In terms of performance, PCIe lanes are directly connected to the CPU and enable twenty-five times more data to be transferred compared to SATA. NVMe SSDs are power efficient and have low power consumption in standby mode for more energy-efficient performance. Regardless of form factor, NVMe SSDs work with all major operating systems since NVMe communicates directly with the CPU. Most desktops and many laptops have included support for NVMe SSDs within the last couple years.


DIY build gaming rig, can use one from HX shootsNVMe SSDs enable games to boot up two to three times faster than those installed on a traditional hard drive. Not only will games load faster, there’ll be hardly any time wasted on loading screens from the game’s menu to the game itself. Gamers will also notice how much faster their games load compared to other players‘ when playing online.

Installation times are also significantly reduced. SSDs in general can’t make downloading games any faster but they do install and store them in your storage system quickly and efficiently, especially when using a NVMe SSD.

Even if you’re not playing, you’ll still benefit from NVMe SSDs, whether you’re loading your operating system, transferring files or opening other applications. This is perfect if you’re planning on streaming your gaming experience and creating content. An NVMe SSD will benefit your games, streaming and video production software, as well as the footage and images you’ll need to create.

Content creation

screencap showing After Effects timeline/editing in process

NVMe SSDs can benefit content creators in the media and entertainment industry, such as producers, designers, photographers and videographers. Today’s content creators use data storage at ever-increasing rates. Whether it’s working with 4K/8K videos, large document files or storage-intensive applications, these digital environments demand the reliable performance, durability, speed and capacity that NVMe SSDs can deliver. Kingston NVMe SSDs are built to address these needs, transforming them from pain points to creative productivity.

Reasons to consider NVMe
  1. SAS and SATA have reached their limits
  2. NVMe unlocks bottlenecks
  3. Speed up your workflow
  4. Future-proof your assets

Along with the increase in frame rates and new standards in video editing solutions and software comes the need to handle an insane amount of data. Post-production is faced with larger, more complex files with shorter deadlines. The need to edit content faster is becoming more demanding and requires better solutions to meet those demands. The biggest use case for NVMe in media production on a much larger and professional scale is mastering where editing, colour grading and cleansing happen. The new UHD standard means content has much more processing to do in a shorter period.

NVMe can handle the increasing frame rates, frame sizes, new standards and next-generation technologies that continue to evolve. All of these translate into the need to store larger content and meet increasingly faster deadlines. The only way creators can keep pace with this level of throughput is with NVMe.

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