support category ssd
DC1500M U.2 NVMe SSD (SEDC1500M)

DC1500M Enterprise U.2 NVMe Solid-State Drive - Support

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Dies ist bei Flashspeichern üblich, egal ob es sich um interne SSDs oder externe USB-Sticks handelt, und liegt zum Teil daran, dass die Hersteller von Flashspeichern im Vergleich zu Festplatten mit sich drehenden Platten unterschiedliche Berechnungsmethoden für Megabyte verwenden. Festplattenhersteller berechnen ein Megabyte (oder 1.000x1.000 Byte) als 1.000KB, während die binäre Berechnung für Flash-basierten Speicher 1.024KB beträgt.

Beispiel: Für ein Flash-basiertes 1TB-Speichergerät berechnet Windows eine Kapazität von 931,32GB. (÷1.024÷1.024÷1.024=931,32GB).

Außerdem reserviert Kingston einen Teil der aufgelisteten Kapazität für die Formatierung und andere Funktionen wie Firmware und/oder controllerspezifische Informationen, wodurch ein Teil der aufgelisteten Kapazität nicht für die Datenspeicherung zur Verfügung steht.

FAQ: KDT-010611-GEN-06

War dies hilfreich?

Um festzustellen, welcher NVMe-Treiber verwendet wird, können Sie das AS SSD Benchmark Tool ausführen und Ihre Kingston NVMe-SSD aus dem Dropdown-Menü auswählen. Dadurch wird der für dieses Laufwerk verwendete Treiber angezeigt. Wenn der Treiber „iaStorAC“ lautet, verwendet Ihr Laufwerk den Intel-Treiber. Wenn der Treiber „stornvme“ lautet, verwendet Ihr Laufwerk den Microsoft-Treiber. Bitte beachten: Kingstons NVMe-SSD-Laufwerke sind Plug-and-Play-fähig, daher stellen wir keine zusätzlichen Treiber zur Verfügung.

FAQ: KSD-001525-001-00

War dies hilfreich?

The easiest way to ensure that your new SSD appears as your boot drive is to ensure that it is the only storage device connected during installation. 
If this is not possible, or if you previously cloned your old data to your new drive, confirm that the new drive appears as a boot device in the system BIOS, then select it for booting.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-03

War dies hilfreich?

First, you should confirm that the SSD is seen within the system BIOS. Enter your BIOS (usually, Del, F2, F10, or F12 key) and navigate through your storage configuration menu(s) to see if the drive is correctly identified and present. If the drive isn’t present, power off the system, check the installation and connections to confirm the drive is seated and/or connected properly. 

If the drive is present in the BIOS, you may need to initialize the disk within the operating system. Follow the steps below to initialize.

For Windows:
Step 1: Confirm the drive is properly attached, and power on the system, then boot into Windows OS.
Step 2: Press Windows + X and choose Disk Management.
Step 3: If the SSD is new and not initialized, a popup will appear saying "Initialize Disk."
Step 4: Choose between: MBR (Master Boot Record): Suitable for drives under 2TB and older systems. GPT (GUID Partition Table): Recommended for modern systems and drives larger than 2TB.
Step 5: Click OK to initialize the disk.
Step 6: Once initialized, you'll see the SSD as "Unallocated." Right-click on it and select New Simple Volume.
Step 7: Follow the on-screen prompts (keeping all defaults is Okay)  to format and assign a drive letter to the SSD.

For macOS:
Step 1: Confirm the drive is properly attached, and power on the system, then boot into Mac OS.
Step 2: Open Disk Utility (you can find it using Spotlight with Cmd + Space and then typing "Disk Utility").
Step 3: In the left pane, select your SSD.
Step 4: Click on Erase.
Step 5: Provide a name for the drive, and under Format, choose: APFS for newer Macs and SSDs. Mac OS Extended (Journaled) for older systems or HDDs.
Step 6: Click Erase. Once the process completes, the SSD will be ready for use.

For Linux:
Step 1: Confirm the drive is properly attached, and power on the system, then boot into Linux OS.
Step 2: Open a terminal.
Step 3: Enter sudo fdisk -l to list all connected drives. Identify your SSD by its size and note the device name, e.g., /dev/sdb.
Step 4: Initialize the SSD using fdisk or parted. Here's a basic guide using fdisk: Enter sudo fdisk /dev/sdb (replace /dev/sdb with your SSD's device name). Press g to create a new GPT partition table. Press n to create a new partition. Follow the prompts to specify the size and type. Press w to write the changes.
Step 5: Format the new partition on the SSD (e.g., /dev/sdb1). You can format it with the filesystem of your choice: For ext4: sudo mkfs.ext4, For ext3: sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdb1, For FAT32: sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb1
Step 6: Mount the SSD: Create a mount point: sudo mkdir /mnt/myssd, Mount the SSD: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/myssd, Remember to replace /dev/sdb1 with your SSD's partition name.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-15

War dies hilfreich?

There are a variety of external enclosures available on the market. While Kingston aims to be compatible with all system types, occasionally, there may be an incompatibility. If you continue to have trouble with your external SSD enclosure, you may want to try a different enclosure.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-18

War dies hilfreich?

SSD firmware is the integrated software within an SSD that manages its operations, including communication with the host system, data storage and retrieval, wear leveling, and error correction. Kingston recommends that you always maintain the latest firmware.

If your SSD requires new firmware, you will receive a notification when running Kingston’s SSD Manager software, located here:

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-11

War dies hilfreich?

Click here to learn more about the differences between these two types of SSDs.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-19

War dies hilfreich?

When cloning to a new drive larger than the source drive, the software may not properly scale partition size. When this occurs, you might end up with unused space. To avoid this, follow our cloning instructions located here:

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-04

War dies hilfreich?

Vorsicht! Die folgenden Abhilfemaßnahmen zerstören RST-RAID-Arrays und können zu Datenverlusten führen. Wenn Ihr System über RST RAID-Arrays verfügt,sollten Sie eine alternative Lösung in Betracht ziehen.

Abhilfe 1: RST-Steuerung im BIOS deaktivieren

Diese Abhilfe erfordert BIOS-Optionen zur Aktivierung oder Deaktivierung der RST-Steuerung und ist nicht auf allen Systemen verfügbar.

Hinweis: Bitte sichern Sie alle wichtigen Daten, bevor Sie fortfahren!

  1. Starten Sie den Computer neu und rufen Sie das System-BIOS auf.
  2. Suchen Sie die RST-Konfigurationseinstellungen im BIOS.
  3. Ändern Sie „RST Controlled“ in „Not RST Controlled“
  4. Speichern Sie das BIOS und verlassen Sie es.
  5. KSM öffnen und die Laufwerksfirmware aktualisieren

Sobald diese Schritte abgeschlossen sind, können Sie im BIOS optional wieder auf „RST Controlled“ umschalten.

Abhilfe 2: Umschalten von RAID auf AHCI im BIO

Diese Abhilfe besteht darin, den Speichermodus Ihres Systems von RAID auf AHCI zu ändern, und sollte auf allen Systemen funktionieren.

Hinweis: Bitte sichern Sie alle wichtigen Daten, bevor Sie fortfahren!

  1. 1. Öffnen Sie „msconfig“.
  2. Wählen Sie die Registerkarte „Boot“.
  3. Überprüfen Sie den abgesicherten Start (minimal).
  4. Klicken Sie auf „OK“ und „Neu starten“.
  5. Wenn das System neu startet, öffnen Sie das System-BIOS.
  6. Ändern Sie den Speichermodus von RAID auf AHCI.
  7. Speichern Sie das BIOS und verlassen Sie es.
  8. Warten Sie, bis Windows im abgesicherten Modus gestartet ist.
  9. Öffnen Sie „msconfig“.
  10. Wählen Sie die Registerkarte „Boot“.
  11. Deaktivieren Sie die Option „Abgesicherter Start“.
  12. Klicken Sie auf „OK“ und „Neu starten“.
  13. Warten Sie, bis Windows normal gestartet ist.
  14. KSM öffnen und die Laufwerksfirmware aktualisieren

Sobald diese Schritte abgeschlossen sind, können Sie den Speichermodus im BIOS optional wieder auf RAID umstellen.

FAQ: KSD-001525-001-01

War dies hilfreich?

Ihr System lädt möglicherweise den Intel RST-Treiber anstelle des Microsoft NVMe-Treibers. Es gibt ein bekanntes Kompatibilitätsproblem mit dem Intel RST-Treiber, das die NVMe-Firmware-Aktualisierungsbefehle stört. Außerdem wird KSM nur auf Windows-Systemen unterstützt. Wenn Sie also versuchen, KSM auf einem macOS- oder Linux-basierten System auszuführen, sind diese Betriebssysteme leider nicht mit KSM kompatibel.

FAQ: KSM-001125-002-01

War dies hilfreich?

SSD firmware is the integrated software within an SSD that manages its operations, including communication with the host system, data storage and retrieval, wear leveling, and error correction. Kingston recommends that you always maintain the latest firmware.

If your SSD requires new firmware, you will receive a notification when running Kingston’s SSD Manager software, located here:

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-11

War dies hilfreich?

While it may be possible to update your target drive’s firmware via USB storage enclosure, Kingston does not recommend it. Proper update procedure involves having your target SSD connected directly to the system ports (e.g., SATA or NVMe).

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-14

War dies hilfreich?

Kingston does not offer DOS-based firmware updates at this time.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-12

War dies hilfreich?

Unless explicitly indicated, no, an SSD update will not erase data from the drive. However, before performing any SSD firmware updates, Kingston recommends all data on the target drive be backed up before proceeding with the firmware update.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-13

War dies hilfreich?

When cloning to a new drive larger than the source drive, the software may not properly scale partition size. When this occurs, you might end up with unused space. To avoid this, follow our cloning instructions located here:

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-04

War dies hilfreich?

First, you should confirm that the SSD is seen within the system BIOS. Enter your BIOS (usually, Del, F2, F10, or F12 key) and navigate through your storage configuration menu(s) to see if the drive is correctly identified and present. If the drive isn’t present, power off the system, check the installation and connections to confirm the drive is seated and/or connected properly. 

If the drive is present in the BIOS, you may need to initialize the disk within the operating system. Follow the steps below to initialize.

For Windows:
Step 1: Confirm the drive is properly attached, and power on the system, then boot into Windows OS.
Step 2: Press Windows + X and choose Disk Management.
Step 3: If the SSD is new and not initialized, a popup will appear saying "Initialize Disk."
Step 4: Choose between: MBR (Master Boot Record): Suitable for drives under 2TB and older systems. GPT (GUID Partition Table): Recommended for modern systems and drives larger than 2TB.
Step 5: Click OK to initialize the disk.
Step 6: Once initialized, you'll see the SSD as "Unallocated." Right-click on it and select New Simple Volume.
Step 7: Follow the on-screen prompts (keeping all defaults is Okay)  to format and assign a drive letter to the SSD.

For macOS:
Step 1: Confirm the drive is properly attached, and power on the system, then boot into Mac OS.
Step 2: Open Disk Utility (you can find it using Spotlight with Cmd + Space and then typing "Disk Utility").
Step 3: In the left pane, select your SSD.
Step 4: Click on Erase.
Step 5: Provide a name for the drive, and under Format, choose: APFS for newer Macs and SSDs. Mac OS Extended (Journaled) for older systems or HDDs.
Step 6: Click Erase. Once the process completes, the SSD will be ready for use.

For Linux:
Step 1: Confirm the drive is properly attached, and power on the system, then boot into Linux OS.
Step 2: Open a terminal.
Step 3: Enter sudo fdisk -l to list all connected drives. Identify your SSD by its size and note the device name, e.g., /dev/sdb.
Step 4: Initialize the SSD using fdisk or parted. Here's a basic guide using fdisk: Enter sudo fdisk /dev/sdb (replace /dev/sdb with your SSD's device name). Press g to create a new GPT partition table. Press n to create a new partition. Follow the prompts to specify the size and type. Press w to write the changes.
Step 5: Format the new partition on the SSD (e.g., /dev/sdb1). You can format it with the filesystem of your choice: For ext4: sudo mkfs.ext4, For ext3: sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdb1, For FAT32: sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb1
Step 6: Mount the SSD: Create a mount point: sudo mkdir /mnt/myssd, Mount the SSD: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/myssd, Remember to replace /dev/sdb1 with your SSD's partition name.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-15

War dies hilfreich?

There are a variety of external enclosures available on the market. While Kingston aims to be compatible with all system types, occasionally, there may be an incompatibility. If you continue to have trouble with your external SSD enclosure, you may want to try a different enclosure.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-18

War dies hilfreich?

When cloning to a new drive larger than the source drive, the software may not properly scale partition size. When this occurs, you might end up with unused space. To avoid this, follow our cloning instructions located here:

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-04

War dies hilfreich?

SSD firmware is the integrated software within an SSD that manages its operations, including communication with the host system, data storage and retrieval, wear leveling, and error correction. Kingston recommends that you always maintain the latest firmware.

If your SSD requires new firmware, you will receive a notification when running Kingston’s SSD Manager software, located here:

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-11

War dies hilfreich?

The easiest way to ensure that your new SSD appears as your boot drive is to ensure that it is the only storage device connected during installation. 
If this is not possible, or if you previously cloned your old data to your new drive, confirm that the new drive appears as a boot device in the system BIOS, then select it for booting.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-03

War dies hilfreich?

There are a variety of external enclosures available on the market. While Kingston aims to be compatible with all system types, occasionally, there may be an incompatibility. If you continue to have trouble with your external SSD enclosure, you may want to try a different enclosure.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-18

War dies hilfreich?

First, you should confirm that the SSD is seen within the system BIOS. Enter your BIOS (usually, Del, F2, F10, or F12 key) and navigate through your storage configuration menu(s) to see if the drive is correctly identified and present. If the drive isn’t present, power off the system, check the installation and connections to confirm the drive is seated and/or connected properly. 

If the drive is present in the BIOS, you may need to initialize the disk within the operating system. Follow the steps below to initialize.

For Windows:
Step 1: Confirm the drive is properly attached, and power on the system, then boot into Windows OS.
Step 2: Press Windows + X and choose Disk Management.
Step 3: If the SSD is new and not initialized, a popup will appear saying "Initialize Disk."
Step 4: Choose between: MBR (Master Boot Record): Suitable for drives under 2TB and older systems. GPT (GUID Partition Table): Recommended for modern systems and drives larger than 2TB.
Step 5: Click OK to initialize the disk.
Step 6: Once initialized, you'll see the SSD as "Unallocated." Right-click on it and select New Simple Volume.
Step 7: Follow the on-screen prompts (keeping all defaults is Okay)  to format and assign a drive letter to the SSD.

For macOS:
Step 1: Confirm the drive is properly attached, and power on the system, then boot into Mac OS.
Step 2: Open Disk Utility (you can find it using Spotlight with Cmd + Space and then typing "Disk Utility").
Step 3: In the left pane, select your SSD.
Step 4: Click on Erase.
Step 5: Provide a name for the drive, and under Format, choose: APFS for newer Macs and SSDs. Mac OS Extended (Journaled) for older systems or HDDs.
Step 6: Click Erase. Once the process completes, the SSD will be ready for use.

For Linux:
Step 1: Confirm the drive is properly attached, and power on the system, then boot into Linux OS.
Step 2: Open a terminal.
Step 3: Enter sudo fdisk -l to list all connected drives. Identify your SSD by its size and note the device name, e.g., /dev/sdb.
Step 4: Initialize the SSD using fdisk or parted. Here's a basic guide using fdisk: Enter sudo fdisk /dev/sdb (replace /dev/sdb with your SSD's device name). Press g to create a new GPT partition table. Press n to create a new partition. Follow the prompts to specify the size and type. Press w to write the changes.
Step 5: Format the new partition on the SSD (e.g., /dev/sdb1). You can format it with the filesystem of your choice: For ext4: sudo mkfs.ext4, For ext3: sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdb1, For FAT32: sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb1
Step 6: Mount the SSD: Create a mount point: sudo mkdir /mnt/myssd, Mount the SSD: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/myssd, Remember to replace /dev/sdb1 with your SSD's partition name.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-15

War dies hilfreich?

While it may be possible to update your target drive’s firmware via USB storage enclosure, Kingston does not recommend it. Proper update procedure involves having your target SSD connected directly to the system ports (e.g., SATA or NVMe).

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-14

War dies hilfreich?

Unless explicitly indicated, no, an SSD update will not erase data from the drive. However, before performing any SSD firmware updates, Kingston recommends all data on the target drive be backed up before proceeding with the firmware update.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-13

War dies hilfreich?

Kingston does not offer DOS-based firmware updates at this time.

FAQ: KSD-012010-001-12

War dies hilfreich?

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