IBM - Power 730

configurator results memory

  • 표준

    8 GB (Removable)

  • 최대

    32 GB per memory riser card

    128 GB with 4 memory riser cards

  • Slots for memory riser cards

  • Memory riser card

    8GB Standard:

    4 GB
    4 GB
  • 버스 아키텍처

    USB 2.0/3.x Type-A

    PCI Express

    SSD - SATA 2.5-inch 9.5mm

  • 4 Socket(s) per memory riser card

    4 Slot(s) for memory riser cards


8231-E2B4; 8231-E2B5; 8231-E2B6; 8231-E2B7; 8231-E2Dx

중요 구성 노트

All memory on riser card(s) must be identical. For optimal performance all memory riser cards should have identical memory configurations.

귀하의 시스템 호환 업그레이드