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IKS1000E (IKS1000E)

IronKey S1000 Enterprise - Dukungan


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Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan

Pilih tautan di bawah untuk mengunduh pembaruan terbaru bagi drive USB terenkripsi IronKey S1000E (Enterprise)
Catatan: Harap baca petunjuk pembaruan yang disertakan secara lengkap sebelum menjalankan pembaruan.

Pembaruan native Windows (pengguna Windows): https://media.kingston.com/kingston/support/downloads/IKUpdater_S1000_ENTERPRISE_6.7.0.zip


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The user and/or device should NOT be deleted if you want to assign the drive to a different user. The Administrator should re-commission the drive. The following will occur if you delete the device or the user.

Deleting Device.

When you delete a device from System Console you will receive this message:

You have selected 1 device for deletion. You cannot undo this operation. Would you like to continue. Once you select OK you will see Device deleted successfully.

Consequences: When you plug in the device it will ask for a password. But there is no password to enter now because the drive has been deleted. You will see this message.

Deleting User

When deleting a user you will see this message:

You have selected to delete this user. This will also delete the device. Would you like to continue?

Consequences: When you plug in the device it will ask for a password. But there is no password to enter now because the drive has been deleted. You will see this message.

You can only use the drive as long as there is no internet connection.

FAQ: KDT-062816-S1000-05

Apakah ini membantu?

No, an Enterprise device cannot be switched to become a Basic device since this could open up security vulnerability. Furthermore, once a Basic device has been upgraded to an Enterprise device, it cannot revert back to a Basic model even after resetting or reassigning the drive through IronKey Enterprise Cloud Management Service or On-Premises Server.

FAQ: KDT-062816-S1000-04

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If your company has enabled the phone home feature and the account is suspended, the drive becomes useless. You will no longer be able to log in or use the drive. The only way you can use as a stand-alone is if the account was set up without the silver bullet and phone home feature.

FAQ: KDT-062816-S1000-07

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Unfortunately it appears you might have purchased the incorrect type of drive. Note that the IronKey Enterprise devices are designed for large-scale deployments and the use of a centrally managed IronKey Enterprise Management Service (a yearly license per device and separate purchase) is needed. It is this Management Service that issues activation codes and administered by an administrator. A minimum of two devices is needed to run an Enterprise account. The device for you would have been the S1000 Basic. This drive does not require the management software and licenses.

FAQ: KDT-062816-S1000-08

Apakah ini membantu?

Pilih tautan di bawah untuk mengunduh pembaruan terbaru bagi drive USB terenkripsi IronKey S1000E (Enterprise)
Catatan: Harap baca petunjuk pembaruan yang disertakan secara lengkap sebelum menjalankan pembaruan.

Pembaruan native Windows (pengguna Windows): https://media.kingston.com/kingston/support/downloads/IKUpdater_S1000_ENTERPRISE_6.7.0.zip


Apakah ini membantu?

Pilih tautan di bawah untuk mengunduh pembaruan terbaru bagi drive USB terenkripsi IronKey S1000E (Enterprise)
Catatan: Harap baca petunjuk pembaruan yang disertakan secara lengkap sebelum menjalankan pembaruan.

Pembaruan native Windows (pengguna Windows): https://media.kingston.com/kingston/support/downloads/IKUpdater_S1000_ENTERPRISE_6.7.0.zip


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Hal ini umum terjadi pada penyimpanan flash, baik penyimpanan SSD internal atau USB eksternal, yang sebagiannya disebabkan oleh perbedaan dalam cara menghitung megabyte antara produsen memori flash vs produsen hard disk dengan piringan berputar. Produsen hard disk menghitung satu megabyte (atau 1.000x1.000 byte) sebagai 1.000KB, sedangkan perhitungan biner untuk penyimpanan berbasis flash adalah 1.024KB.

Contoh: Untuk perangkat penyimpanan berbasis flash 1TB, Windows akan menghitungnya sebagai berkapasitas 931,32GB. (÷1.024÷1.024÷1.024=931,32GB).

Selain itu, Kingston mencadangkan sebagian dari kapasitas yang tercantum untuk pemformatan dan fungsi lainnya seperti firmware dan/atau informasi khusus pengontrol sehingga sebagian dari kapasitas yang tercantum tidak tersedia untuk penyimpanan data.

FAQ: KDT-010611-GEN-06

Apakah ini membantu?

If your company has enabled the phone home feature and the account is suspended, the drive becomes useless. You will no longer be able to log in or use the drive. The only way you can use as a stand-alone is if the account was set up without the silver bullet and phone home feature.

FAQ: KDT-062816-S1000-07

Apakah ini membantu?

Unfortunately it appears you might have purchased the incorrect type of drive. Note that the IronKey Enterprise devices are designed for large-scale deployments and the use of a centrally managed IronKey Enterprise Management Service (a yearly license per device and separate purchase) is needed. It is this Management Service that issues activation codes and administered by an administrator. A minimum of two devices is needed to run an Enterprise account. The device for you would have been the S1000 Basic. This drive does not require the management software and licenses.

FAQ: KDT-062816-S1000-08

Apakah ini membantu?

This drive is designed to be 100% encrypted. The security is build into the drive and cannot be removed or disabled.

FAQ: KDT-012914-PRV-04

Apakah ini membantu?

The user and/or device should NOT be deleted if you want to assign the drive to a different user. The Administrator should re-commission the drive. The following will occur if you delete the device or the user.

Deleting Device.

When you delete a device from System Console you will receive this message:

You have selected 1 device for deletion. You cannot undo this operation. Would you like to continue. Once you select OK you will see Device deleted successfully.

Consequences: When you plug in the device it will ask for a password. But there is no password to enter now because the drive has been deleted. You will see this message.

Deleting User

When deleting a user you will see this message:

You have selected to delete this user. This will also delete the device. Would you like to continue?

Consequences: When you plug in the device it will ask for a password. But there is no password to enter now because the drive has been deleted. You will see this message.

You can only use the drive as long as there is no internet connection.

FAQ: KDT-062816-S1000-05

Apakah ini membantu?

No, an Enterprise device cannot be switched to become a Basic device since this could open up security vulnerability. Furthermore, once a Basic device has been upgraded to an Enterprise device, it cannot revert back to a Basic model even after resetting or reassigning the drive through IronKey Enterprise Cloud Management Service or On-Premises Server.

FAQ: KDT-062816-S1000-04

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