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Supermicro - SuperServer 7034L-i (SYS-7034L-i)

configurator results memory

  • Standar

    0 GB (Removable)

  • Maksimum

    16 GB

  • Arsitektur Bus


    PCI Express

    SSD - SATA 2.5-inch 9.5mm

  • 8 Socket(s)

  • Intel Xeon Intel E7520 (Lindenhurst)

SYS-7034L-i; SYS-7034L-iB

Catatan Konfigurasi Penting

  • MODULES MUST BE ORDERED AND INSTALLED IN PAIRS for Dual Channel mode. Kingston offers "K2" kit part numbers for Dual Channel mode.
  • This chipset supports a maximum of 8 ranks. Kit part numbers consist of two single-rank or dual-rank modules.
  • Mixing x4 and x8 modules is allowed, however not within the same bank. If featured, Chipkill technology is supported with x4 modules only.

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