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Acer - Aspire M5641 Series AM5641-xxxxxx

configurator results memory

  • Standar

    1 GB (Removable)

    2 GB (Removable)

  • Maksimum

    4 GB

  • 1GB Standard:

    512 MB
    512 MB
  • or

    1 GB
  • or

  • 2GB Standard:

    1 GB
    1 GB
  • Arsitektur Bus


    PCI Express

    SSD - SATA 2.5-inch 9.5mm

  • 2 Socket(s)

  • Intel Pentium Dual Core Nvidia GeForce 7100


Catatan Konfigurasi Penting

  • Systems come standard with either DDR2-667 or DDR2-800.
  • If 4GB is installed, the recognized memory may be reduced to 3.5GB or less (depending on system configuration and memory allocation).

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