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Acer - Aspire V3 Series V3-771G-xxx

configurator results memory

  • Standar

    4 GB (Removable)

    8 GB (Removable)

  • Maksimum

    32 GB (16GB max with current Kignston products)

  • 4GB Standard:

    4 GB
  • 8GB Standard:

    4 GB
    4 GB
  • Arsitektur Bus

    USB 2.0/3.x Type-A

    Flash - SDHC

    SSD - SATA 2.5-inch 9.5mm

  • 2 Socket(s)

  • Intel Core i3 2xxx Series Intel H77

    Intel Core i5 2xxx Series Intel H77

    Intel Core i7 3xxx Series Intel H77

NX.M0SAA.xxx; NX.M1WAA.xxx; NX.RYNED.xxx; NX.RYQAA.xxx; NX.RYQED.xxx; NX.RYRAA.xxx

Catatan Konfigurasi Penting

Only systems with 3rd Generation Intel Core processors can run at DDR3-1600.

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