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Dell/Alienware - PowerEdge M910 (Xeon 7500)

configurator results memory

  • Maksimum

    256 GB using 8GB modules

    512 GB using 16GB modules

  • CPU 1:

  • CPU 2:

  • CPU 3:

  • CPU 4:

  • Arsitektur Bus

    SSD - SATA 2.5-inch 9.5mm

  • 32 Socket(s)

  • Intel Xeon 7500 Series Intel 7500

Catatan Konfigurasi Penting

  • Xeon 7500/6500 series processors support low density 2Gbit DRAM ONLY. These parts are no longer available. Kingston supports these models with SSD drive options only.
  • Xeon E7 series processors support currently available high density 4Gbit DRAM. Xeon E7 is socket compatible (LGA1567) with older Xeon 7500/6500 processors. Check with OEM to replace older servers with Xeon E7 processors to support current memory technology. Updated BIOS or additiional hardware may be required.

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