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Lenovo - ThinkBook K4-ITL

configurator results memory

  • 표준

    8 GB (Non-removable)

    12 GB (Non-removable)

    16 GB (Non-removable)

  • 최대

    8 GB

    12 GB

    16 GB

  • 8GB Standard:

  • 12GB Standard:

  • 16GB Standard:

  • 버스 아키텍처

    USB 2.0/3.x Type-A

    USB 2.0/3.x Type-C

    SSD M.2 NVME 2242 (single-sided)

    SSD M.2 NVME 2280 (single-sided)

  • 0 Slot(s) Memory soldered to motherboard

  • Intel Core i5 1135G7

    Intel Core i7 1165G7

82E4xxx; 82NSxxx

중요 구성 노트

Memory is soldered to systemboard, no sockets available for upgrade.

귀하의 시스템 호환 업그레이드