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Dell/Alienware - PowerEdge 1955

configurator results memory

  • 표준

    1 GB (Removable)

    2 GB (Removable)

  • 최대

    48 GB using up to six 8GB modules

  • CPU 1:

  • CPU 2:

  • 버스 아키텍처


    PCI Express

    SSD - SATA 2.5-inch 9.5mm

  • 8 Socket(s) using 2 CPUs

  • Intel Xeon Intel 5000X

중요 구성 노트

  • Memory sparing and memory mirroring require the installation of eight modules (four kits of two) of the same type and capacity.
  • Kingston's Fully-Buffered DDR2 memory kits support SDDC error detection and correction.
  • The latest BIOS must be installed to support Quad Rank modules.
  • Although it is physically possible to install more memory, the system will only recognize 48GB maximum.

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