support category wireless
MobileLite Wireless G3 (MLWG3)

MobileLite Wireless G3 - Dukungan

Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan

Hal ini umum terjadi pada penyimpanan flash, baik penyimpanan SSD internal atau USB eksternal, yang sebagiannya disebabkan oleh perbedaan dalam cara menghitung megabyte antara produsen memori flash vs produsen hard disk dengan piringan berputar. Produsen hard disk menghitung satu megabyte (atau 1.000x1.000 byte) sebagai 1.000KB, sedangkan perhitungan biner untuk penyimpanan berbasis flash adalah 1.024KB.

Contoh: Untuk perangkat penyimpanan berbasis flash 1TB, Windows akan menghitungnya sebagai berkapasitas 931,32GB. (÷1.024÷1.024÷1.024=931,32GB).

Selain itu, Kingston mencadangkan sebagian dari kapasitas yang tercantum untuk pemformatan dan fungsi lainnya seperti firmware dan/atau informasi khusus pengontrol sehingga sebagian dari kapasitas yang tercantum tidak tersedia untuk penyimpanan data.

FAQ: KDT-010611-GEN-06

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The MobileLite Wireless reader has two Mac addresses: One for LAN and one for WAN for bridging. The MAC address listed on the back of the device is the LAN MAC address and will not be the same as the WAN MAC address.The WAN MAC address is HEX digit (0-9 and A-F) higher than what is on the back of the device.

FAQ: KFR-070513-MLW-12

Apakah ini membantu?

Yes. Have both devices plugged into the MLW and open the app.

1. Select the source device.

2. Tap the check mark icon from the menu at the top.

3. Either select the individual files or folders you want to copy or use the select all option at the bottom.

4. Choose either Copy or move from the menu at the bottom.

5. Choose your destination folder. A task status bar will appear.

FAQ: KFR-012916-MLWG3-02

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There is a reset button next to the power button on the MobileLite Wireless. It can only be accessed by using a paper clip. With the MobileLite Wireless on, press and hold this button for about 15 seconds or until the bridged LED lights up blue.The MobileLite Wireless will reinitiate and be ready for use once the WiFi LED lights up again.Note:This will not delete any data stored on USB/SD/SDC but it will remove any changes to the network I.D., password, etc.

FAQ: KFR-012916-MLWG3-04

Apakah ini membantu?

The MobileLite Wireless reader has two Mac addresses: One for LAN and one for WAN for bridging. The MAC address listed on the back of the device is the LAN MAC address and will not be the same as the WAN MAC address.The WAN MAC address is HEX digit (0-9 and A-F) higher than what is on the back of the device.


FAQ: KFR-012916-MLWG3-05

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