support category usb
IronKey LP50 (IKLP50)

IronKey Locker+ 50 - 技术支持


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在 Mac 上使用 USB 闪存盘

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在 Ubuntu Linux 中使用 USB 闪存盘

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Kingston® IronKey™ Locker+ 50 加密 USB 闪存盘功能演示

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如何设置 Kingston Ironkey™ Locker Plus 50

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在 Windows PC 上使用 USB 闪存盘


Select the link below to download the latest update for the Ironkey Locker+ 50 secure USB drive.

Note: Please read the included updater instructions in its entirety prior to running the update.

Native Windows Update (Windows user):
Native macOS Update (macOS User):Pending

FAQ: KIK-LP50-Update


这在闪存中很常见,无论是内部固态硬盘还是外部 USB 存储,部分原因是闪存与旋转硬盘制造商计算兆字节的方式不同。硬盘制造商将兆字节(或 1000x1000 字节)计算为 1000KB,而基于闪存的存储的二进制计算为 1024KB。

示例:对于基于 1TB 闪存的存储设备,Windows 将计算其容量为 931.32GB。(1,000,000,000,000÷1,024÷1,024÷1,024=931.32GB)。

此外,Kingston 保留了一些列出的容量用于格式化和其他功能,例如固件和/或控制器特定信息,因此一些列出的容量不可用于数据存储。

FAQ: KDT-010611-GEN-06


Select the link below to download the latest update for the Ironkey Locker+ 50 secure USB drive.

Note: Please read the included updater instructions in its entirety prior to running the update.

Native Windows Update (Windows user):
Native macOS Update (macOS User):Pending

FAQ: KIK-LP50-Update


该闪存盘被设计为 100% 加密。安全功能集成在闪存盘中,无法删除或禁用。

FAQ: KDT-012914-PRV-04


By default, after the predefined max number of unsuccessful password attempts is reached, the drive will format and all data will be lost. Once the format is complete, data recovery is not possible. However, if you have not exhausted the max number of unsuccessful password attempts, you may consider contacting a professional data recovery company for assistance, such as DriveSavers Inc.
Please note: Kingston does not retain master passwords for encrypted USB drives. 

FAQ: KDT-111714-PRV-05


这在闪存中很常见,无论是内部固态硬盘还是外部 USB 存储,部分原因是闪存与旋转硬盘制造商计算兆字节的方式不同。硬盘制造商将兆字节(或 1000x1000 字节)计算为 1000KB,而基于闪存的存储的二进制计算为 1024KB。

示例:对于基于 1TB 闪存的存储设备,Windows 将计算其容量为 931.32GB。(1,000,000,000,000÷1,024÷1,024÷1,024=931.32GB)。

此外,Kingston 保留了一些列出的容量用于格式化和其他功能,例如固件和/或控制器特定信息,因此一些列出的容量不可用于数据存储。

FAQ: KDT-010611-GEN-06


Select the link below to download the latest update for the Ironkey Locker+ 50 secure USB drive.

Note: Please read the included updater instructions in its entirety prior to running the update.

Native Windows Update (Windows user):
Native macOS Update (macOS User):Pending

FAQ: KIK-LP50-Update


该闪存盘被设计为 100% 加密。安全功能集成在闪存盘中,无法删除或禁用。

FAQ: KDT-012914-PRV-04


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