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Transporting and protecting data outside your firewall

Two hands using a mobile phone

The pandemic-fuelled push towards working remotely has led to critical sensitive data being more mobile than ever. From laptops to USB drives, smartphones to tablets, data is being moved from device to device and location to location more than ever before. With this greater data mobility, the chances of data being lost or stolen, resulting in dire consequences, are greater than ever.

Remote working is the new normal. Today, your staff members likely access their working world from several different devices and maybe even locations. Your challenge is to find a way to help them work efficiently without leaving your organisation open to security risks and data breaches.

Protection of data on the move is a baseline requirement for businesses, governments and individuals in today’s world. Data breaches, hacking and the human element are continuous reminders of threats and risks worldwide. Both the monetary and reputational costs associated with a data breach can be astronomical. Requirements of advanced cybersecurity and DLP (data loss protection) strategies all rely on dependable and efficient storage and memory.

Unsecured USB drives not only help store and transport sensitive files, but also viruses, malware and ransomware. Many unsecure USB drives are found, given out as freebies or shared amongst friends or co-workers. In turn, they are used to transport work files, possibly and unknowingly infecting other computers or devices when plugged into them.

Encrypted hardware-based USB drives, using Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 256, provide the required portability and superior encryption over host-based software encryption when transporting digital data from one location to another.

Using encrypted hardware-based USB drives to provide the same needed portability and superior encryption when transporting digital data can go a long way toward resolving the challenges of remote working. These secure drives are only marginally more expensive than standard non-encrypted versions, but play a priceless role in protecting the valuable data.

With hardware-based encryption, your data is password protected and available at any time, anywhere. And if the device is lost or stolen, you can be confident no one will have access to the encrypted files. With Managed models, you can even remotely destroy lost USB drives.

Data protection and cybersecurity while transporting sensitive data can feel like a daunting responsibility. The requirements for digital work have changed significantly, with employees having the ability to decide for themselves when, where and with which devices they work. The right combination of hardware-based encrypted USB drives and endpoint software management can help organisations maintain control over these devices, mitigating the risk of data breaches. This approach also supports ongoing compliance strategies regarding government regulations, such as the EU’s GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and the state of New York’s NYDFS (New York Department of Financial Services).

A USB drive connected to a laptop

Kingston hardware-based encrypted USB drives feature data-protection solutions for mobile data both inside and outside of an organisation’s firewall. They are simple, easy-to-use solutions designed to protect data that requires airtight security, and help you meet specific industry standards, directives and regulations. They are TAA-compliant, FIPS-certified and available in capacities of up to 128GB, making them ideal for corporate users and government agencies alike.

Encrypted USB drives can be customised in a variety of ways to meet your organisation’s needs. Selected features may be added to create unique, indispensable drives. This programme offers the options most frequently requested by customers, including serial numbering, dual password and custom logos. What more reason is needed to take the steps to ensure not just company information, but the data entrusted to your company is safe and secure?


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