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Founded in 1994, Aruba is now a leading company in Italy for data center, web hosting, email, certified email and domain registration services. Aruba have 3 data centers in Italy – 2 in Arezzo and the Italian biggest technological campus near Milan, plus one coming soon in Rome - one in Czech Republic and data centers partners infrastructures in France, UK, Germany and Poland.
In 2018 Aruba managed over 2 million domains, more than 7 million email accounts, 5 million PEC accounts, more than 130,000 physical and virtual servers. They looked after around 5 million customers offering hosting services, public and private cloud services, housing and collocation services, dedicated servers, digital signatures, digital preservation, e-billing, certified email, SSL certificates and smart-cards.
“We have been using Kingston as a partner in our servers for more than 10 years. The key to our long-term partnership is their reliability, 100% compatibility & scalability. This allows us to maximise and optimise our existing servers without having to replace with new servers”
Diego Parasecoli
Manager of the Technical Operations Division
Giving the best service to their customers is one of the most important aims for Aruba. They depend on the high level of support and flexibility from their hardware suppliers.
It is key for Aruba to have a reliable memory manufacturer who they count on as an expert in their own field. A partner that has extensive product knowledge, 24-7 technical support services, high quality products and fundamental for Aruba is the quick response service levels.
Reliability and compatibility aspects are fundamental for their DC performance, but most critical aspect is the scalability this allows them to respond to the needs and requirements of their clients on demand.
One of the main roles of the Technical Operations Team managed by Diego Parasecoli is supporting clients with remote services.
They have technical experts on site to support their servers if HDD, SSD or RAM may require replacing and upgrading. They also have experts on hand to support calls that may require more detailed technical know-how.
Kingston is one of these partners, they provide support on technological structures enabling the best use to be made of their hardware by maximising all its capabilities.
" We are able to use Kingston as part of our proposition because they match our customer’s requirements for quality and reliability."
Diego Parasecoli
Manager of the Technical Operations Division
Thanks to the service levels, quality, scalability and flexibility of Kingston’s cost- effective solutions, Aruba have seen an increase in the quality of service to their clients.
"Our future goals are to continue to maintain the expansion and the growth of our services. Kingston are helping us do this by producing reliable memory and SSDs that utilise the hardware architecture that major producers (OEMs) are continuing to develop and bring onto the market."
Diego Parasecoli
Manager of the Technical Operations Division
“Kingston technology is pleased to have partnered with Aruba for over 10 years. They are a well-established Data Centre brand across Europe. We have worked closely with Aruba over the years to ensure that we can support their technological requirements to enable them to continue offering the best in class hosting & mailing services to their ever-growing customer base.”
Laurent Sirgy
Regional Director SEMEA Region
要規劃適當的解決方案需要對您的專案和系統需求有通盤了解。讓 Kingston 專家助您一臂之力!
假如您選擇 Kingston,挑選記憶體可謂輕而易舉。
Kingston 擁有超過 35 年的專業經驗,具備任何必備的知識和資源,協助您挑選出適當的記憶體。
只需輸入電腦系統或數位裝置的廠商、型號或系統型號,即可為您找出合適的 Kingston 產品。
依 Kingston 產品型號、代理商產品型號或製造商等效產品型號搜尋。
用戶端 SSD 固態硬碟與企業端 SSD 固態硬碟是根據不同的需求打造,因此擁有不同的屬性。
Kingston 和 QNAP 是透過其硬體,以提高數位劇院的效率。
使用與 Kingston Vmware 相容的 DC600M 企業級 SSD 固態硬碟升級您的資料中心。
在本影片中,我們會說明 Kingston 和 2CRSi 如何合作解決資料中心的挑戰。
瞭解 APLIGO 選擇 Kingston SSD 固態硬碟和記憶體來支援其系統整合業務的原因。
Kingston 檢測 DC1500M 企業級 NVMe SSD 固態硬碟對工作負載的影響,並與競爭對手商品進行比較。
為了找出 2022 年可能影響全球市場的要素,我們進行獨家研究來審視許多因素。
了解 Kingston 如何協助降低電力成本、提高效能,以便 Hostmein 可以執行服務品質保障協議 (SLA)。
Cameron Crandall, de Kingston, le ayudará a decidirse si debería o no migrar su almacenamiento de servidores a discos SSD NVMe.
和企業專家一起討論 Kingston 這樣的技術合作夥伴如何支援企業成長和永續性。
NVMe over Fabric 可讓 CPU 更有效率地運行,具備更低的延遲和更高的處理量。
轉換至 NVMe 需要 IT 架構師的完整堆疊審核,以確保冗餘存在於堆疊中的每一層。
測試 SSD 固態硬碟以了解在連續以及隨機讀取或寫入情境下的實際耐用性、延遲和 IOPS的變化 。
企業伺服器的 SSD 固態硬碟測試台應使用實際硬體、作業系統和資料。我們將說明原因。
MSP 業界專家 Rob May 對如何升級記憶體/儲存裝置的獨到見解,為有員工遠端辦公的公司幫助很大。
別為伺服器選到錯誤的 SSD 固態硬碟。 一個錯誤的選擇代表成本提高。 了解如何選擇合適的 SSD 固態硬碟。
瞭解 Hosteur 如何透過 Kingston 企業級產品與服務支援其快速成長與 SLA。
資料中心應該使用伺服器 SSD 固態硬碟。與用戶端磁碟機相較之下,這有許多優勢,而且可大幅降低成本。
SDS 的效能尚未達到巔峰,但目前 NVMe 變得更加便宜,商用硬體可隨時進行交貨。
為您的伺服器選擇適合的 SSD 是非常重要的,因為伺服器 SSD 是為了能在可預測的延遲級別下運作而進行優化,而消費級 (桌上型電腦 / 筆記型電腦) SSD 則不是。 這些差異讓重要的應用程式與服務有更長的正常運作時間與更低的延遲。
業界專家 Simon Besteman 提供關於為何 5G 在微型資料中心中需要邊緣運算的見解。
Kingston 提供了相容的記憶體,實現 i3D.net 延長其現有硬體服務使用壽命的效能目標。
為什麼邊緣運算資料中心對 5G 而言非常重要?關於邊緣運算伺服器及 5G 上線,請下載和閱讀 Kingston 的電子書。
這份白皮書會示範說明使用 Kingston Data Center DC500固態硬碟將如何降低達 39% 的整體成本及授權成本。
Data Center 500 系列 SSD (DC500R / DC500M) – 提供一致且可預測的延遲 (回應時間) 及 IOPS (每秒 I/O 數) 效能。
有关 SSD 技术和术语(例如 SATA、M.2、NAND、RAID、NVMe、PCIe、SAS 和键控)的常见问题。
Kingston® 在部分 SSD 上採用 LSI® SandForce® 型控制器,這類控制器使用專屬技術來執行垃圾回收作業。
OLTP 工作負載包含大量快速且小型的交易,且須在不到一秒的反應時間內完成。
Kingston 的 SSD 搭載 ECC 和備援區塊等功能,可避免資料寫入損壞的區塊。
測試是我們致力於為您提供市面上最可靠產品之承諾的基礎。 在生產的每個階段,我們會對所有產品執行嚴格的測試。這些測試可確保整個製程期間的品質控制。