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Kingston IronKey Vault Privacy 80 External SSD

Setting Up Kingston IronKey Vault Privacy 80 External SSD

Kingston IKVP80ES Encrypted External SSD with cables and travel case

Need to set up your IronKey Vault Privacy 80 External SSD? This guide will make the simple setup even easier.

In the box, you’ll find:

  • The IronKey Vault Privacy 80 External SSD
  • Two USB 3.2 Gen 1 cables; a USB-C®{{Footnote.N59135}} to USB-C cable, plus a USB-C to USB-A cable
  • The quick start guide
  • A convenient travel case to store them all

Let’s Get Started

Use the cable with the connector that’s compatible with your computer.

Plug the VP80ES into any available USB 3.0 port on your computer. The drive will self-test, then display a language selection screen. Select your preferred language and tap the check mark to proceed to the next step.

Hand typing on VP80ES keyboard with a password field with asterisks

Setting Admin Password

Next, you will create and confirm an Admin password. It must be at least 6 characters long and may include numbers, letters, and spaces.

Enter the password on the VP80ES’s touch screen keyboard. You can tap ABC or 123 buttons to switch between alphabetical and numeric keyboards.

Confirm your password by tapping the check mark.

With the Admin password set, you can use the VP80ES to store and access important files. You can also set the external SSD as ‘read-only’ by tapping the globe icon to access language options or tap the gear icon to change advanced settings (such as adding a user password).

Connecting VP80ES to Your System

Once VP80ES is plugged in connect it to your system by pressing the “Connect” button on the screen. A new screen will appear on the VP80ES, and a storage drive named KINGSTON should be available on the now connected system. When you wish to disconnect, tap the Lock and Disconnect button to safely remove your drive.

That’s it! Now that your IronKey Vault Privacy 80 External SSD is set up you can begin safely saving and securing your important data.

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