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Finance industry: Keeping sensitive data safe with Kingston IronKey

Securing data is not just a box-ticking exercise

For the finance sector, being able to secure data is both an expectation and a regulatory requirement. If there was ever a breach, the outcome would severely impact its operations and its integrity, whether locally and globally.

It is therefore not beyond the scope of imagination that banking and financial organisations have a substantial “target on their backs” for those with nefarious intentions, whether for notoriety or for commercial gain.

This compounded with the highest level of regulatory compliance and an extensive review process, means that only those that understand the specific needs of the financial sector, are able to deliver a solution to guarantee the highest level of data security, both today and into the future.


An international financial institution needed to ensure the swift, smooth and secure transition of operating systems, allowing localised back-up of user and company data. In short, general storage devices simply would not cut it.

As a result, hardware-encrypted storage was deemed the only route in order to achieve this. At the same time, empowering all staff to secure and transfer data, regardless of operating system, was identified as the optimal solution.

Given the stringent security protocols required to support such a prominent player in the finance space, and the challenge of delivering at scale, they needed a technology partner that understood their needs and offer solutions that - not only met - but exceeded their core requirements, through a lengthy and robust verification process.

Beyond the initial requirements, they also needed a solution that could combine high-levels of security with a user experience that would ensure that unsecure workarounds would be prevented, ensuring endpoints are secured and their data is protected.


DT2000 plugged into laptop with binary code-rastered

After consulting with our free Ask an Expert service, Kingston recommended a solution that could not only strike the right blend of military-grade security which would scale in the thousands but was also cost-efficient. This recommendation also ensured that we were able to deliver a straightforward user experience.

Our DT2000{{Footnote.A67549}} encrypted USB drives (replaced with IKKP200) were suggested as the perfect combination of security, usability and scale. It was identified that the DT2000 was an ideal drive to support employee needs in transferring and storing data day-to-day, with added procedures such as admin controls and read-only access, to prevent inbound endpoint threats.

With the unique product feature of a physical alphanumeric keypad available with the DT2000, it offers employees an easy-to-use solution, whatever the operating system, all underpinned by FIPS 140-2 Level 3 certification.

As a result, not only did this financial institution implement a successful transition to a new operating system, its 8,000 employees are safe in the knowledge that they conform to the most stringent security protocols, all whilst being able to transfer and store their data safely and securely with minimal obstruction to their day-to-day operations.

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