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Law firms compile, review and analyse incredible amounts of data related to highly sensitive financial information, intellectual property, business strategies and other personal agreements. Keeping their clients’ information secure is a top priority of any firm, and there is truly no margin for error, as it is a business built on trust and confidentiality.
Proper security protocols and delivery methods need to be in place to not only share case materials with approved internal parties across the firm – lawyers, paralegals, financial and tax experts – and externally with clients and opposing counsel, but also to protect the information from outside cyberattacks. Firms must defend themselves from the constant nemesis of hackers, cybercriminals, ransomware attacks and data breaches that search for technology vulnerabilities to gain access to emails, networks and servers.
Misconception: Encrypted emails are secure from hacks and leaks
Many lawyers work under and rely on signed confidentiality agreements and, because of that, often feel confident to attach unencrypted files to emails – which are incredibly vulnerable and are exposed to hackers anywhere in transit. Even software encryption on email attachments gives a false sense of security as available Internet tricks and tools have started successfully uncovering passwords through brute force attacks – networking tens, hundreds or thousands of computers together to guess passwords and decrypt software-encrypted files. Law firms with national and international footprints need to protect information per the American Bar Association’s rules and requirements, in addition to the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), California’s Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), court orders and other structures which govern how data is stored, encrypted and shared between parties.
The best, most secure method that meets all of these regulations for sharing confidential information is through a password-protected, hardware-encrypted USB drive.
Loading information on a password-protected external storage device places security completely under the user’s physical control, removing worries of a cyberattack as it is not connected to the Internet and is like a cloud that can be transported securely between multiple locations or parties. With Kingston IronKey’s Vault Privacy 50 Series USB Flash Drive, Keypad 200 Series Hardware-encrypted USB Flash Drive or D500S USB Flash Drive, there is peace of mind that data will remain safe from both cyber intrusions or if the drive is stolen. All these drives incorporate BadUSB malware safeguards with digitally signed firmware and have a self-contained security system that blocks brute force attacks and shields password entries from keyloggers on untrusted systems – ultimately resulting in the drive doing a crypto-erase and deleting the data forever.
For sharing convenience between parties, or for situations where a password is initially forgotten due to human error, the VP50 series and D500S series drives allow multi-password options: User, Admin and One-Time Recovery (for VP50 series and D500S); the traditional Complex password, offering 3 out of 4 character sets and at least 7-8 characters minimum depending on the drive; and the new Passphrase mode that provides free text from 10-64, or even up to 128, characters. The FBI and NIST recommend Passphrases as preferable to Complex passwords, and the longer passwords are than 15 characters, the more secure they are against guessing attempts.
The KP200 series is an OS-independent drive that can be used on nearly all operating systems or even machines, such as secure printers or copiers used for printing sensitive materials. This USB flash drive features an alphanumeric keypad for easy-to-use PIN access that is coated with a layer of polymer that protects the keys and hides key usage through analysis of fingerprints on the keys. This drive also touts a built-in, rechargeable battery that can be used to unlock the drive first without using any software and can plug into any device that supports a USB type A mass storage device – allowing for lawyers and firms to share the drive with trusted internal or external parties who may use different platforms and operating systems.
With enhanced password protection options and hardware-based defences, drives like Kingston IronKey’s Vault Privacy 50 Series USB Flash Drive, Keypad 200 Series Hardware-encrypted USB Flash Drive and D500S USB Flash Drive provide the best method to ensure that the client’s confidential data remains secure from unauthorised access, cyberattacks, data breaches or malpractice. And if you are looking for higher capacities, the Kingston IronKey Vault Privacy 80 External SSD allows for up to 2TB and incorporates all standard Kingston security features with an easy-to-use touch screen interface.
Kingston IronKey D500S hardware-encrypted USB flash drive
Kingston IronKey™ D500S USB flash drives feature flagship military-grade security, are FIPS 140-3 Level 3 (Pending) certified and encrypt/decrypt data on the D500S without any traces left on the host system. Rugged zinc casing is crush resistant and filled with special epoxy to protect internal components from penetration attacks.
IronKey Vault Privacy 80 External SSD is Kingston’s first innovative OS-independent hardware-encrypted external SSD with touch screen for data protection for clients from government to finance to healthcare to legal. With military-grade encryption, IronKey offers top data security.
XTS-AES encryption – Kingston IronKey™ Keypad 200 Series hardware-encrypted USB drive
The Kingston IronKey™ Keypad 200 series is an OS-independent, hardware-encrypted USB drive with an alphanumeric keypad for easy-to-use PIN access. The KP200 incorporates XTS-AES 256-bit hardware-based encryption. It also is FIPS 140-3 Level 3 (Pending) certified for military-grade security with enhancements that further raise the bar for data protection.
Kingston IronKey Vault Privacy 50 series are enhanced USB drives that provide business-grade security with FIPS 197 certified AES 256-bit hardware-encryption in XTS mode including safeguards against Brute Force and BadUSB attacks. It can be set to Read-Only mode for additional protection and the built-in virtual keyboard shields passwords from keyloggers or screenloggers.
The IronKey S1000 USB Flash drive provides IronKey Cryptochip Encryption Key management and is encased in an epoxy-filled casing for physical security.
Kingston IronKey Locker+ 50 is an enhanced USB drive that provides consumer-grade security with AES 256-bit hardware-encryption in XTS mode including safeguards against brute force attacks and BadUSB. The built-in virtual keyboard shields passwords from keyloggers or screenloggers.
The importance of organisations to consider Revenue, Profit & Risk as equal in organisations to ensure they mitigate data security & cyber security risks. Read this article from Industry Expert, Bill Mew & he will provide you with an insight on this topic.
Choosing the right SSD for your server is important since server SSDs are optimized to perform at a predictable latency level while client (desktop/laptop) SSDs are not. These difference result in better uptime and less lag for critical apps and services.
What strategies can organisations use to best secure customers data in a post-GDPR world with the ever-evolving nature of cyber security threats? Kingston pooled the knowledge of some of the UK’s most experienced commentators in cyber security to discuss how data protection has changed since the introduction of GDPR.
You already know that remote working is a business enabler. But the challenges posed to your network security and compliance with GDPR are too big to ignore.
End-to-End Data Protection protects customer’s data as soon as it is transferred by the host system to the SSD, and then from the SSD to the host computer. All Kingston SSDs incorporate this protection.
This program offers the options most frequently requested by customers, including serial numbering, dual password and custom logos. With a minimum order of 50 pieces, the programme delivers precisely what your organisation needs.
Everyday working life has changed radically and so have traditional ways of working: thanks to mobile storage media, we can access our data practically at any time from any location, and can work on our data wherever we are.
Heathrow Airport in London (30 October 2017) uses unencrypted USB drives for its non-cloud storage. Unfortunately, it was not standardized on encrypted USB drives.
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We perform rigorous tests on all of our products during each stage of production. These tests ensure quality control throughout the entire manufacturing process.