Two engineers in factory workshop with augmented reality 3D model concept of an engine

The Rise of the Digital Twin: The Secret Weapon to Next-Level Operations

The Importance of Digital Twin Applications

2 CAD engineers in an office working on their computer

Digital twin, as a concept, has been around for a few years now. But only very recently have we seen an explosion in its popularity for organizations, as they seek to gain an edge for their operations, processes, and production efforts.

An illustration of this growth is that businesses using digital twins have increased by 40% between 2020 and 2022! With announcements of its adoption hitting news outlets ever more frequently, it’s little surprise that the digital twin industry is projected to reach over $125 billion by 2030.

So, what’s going on?

In this eBook, we explain all as we speak with key industry experts, offering insights on:

  • Defining a digital twin
  • The importance of data
  • What the future looks like

Plus, we share some real-world examples, and what you should consider in taking advantage of this emerging technology!

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Photo of Rafael Bloom

Rafael Bloom

Rafael has spent his career in senior Technology Product, Marketing Communications, and Business Development roles. This highly diverse work involves subject matter expertise on information governance and compliance by design, data privacy, and emerging technologies such as AdTech, mobile & 5G, AI, and machine learning.

Photo of Giuliano Liguori

Giuliano Liguori

Giuliano Liguori is an open-minded and dynamic global digital & innovation leader with successful results, specializing in leveraging digital transformation through the adoption of best strategies and managing techniques. He has extensive experience in supporting companies in driving growth and builds reputation and web presence.

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