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Hands typing on a laptop keyboard with an overlaid illustration of an AI chip and circuit board lines

Will AI PCs change how we work?

AI optimised PCs in the workplace

A woman working in an office with a heads-up display in front of her

With AI enabled PCs being the latest trend in Artificial Intelligence – and being a prominent feature of new PCs in 2024, many organisations might be asking themselves whether it will change how we work?

It may seem trivial to many when talking about the latest tech in computing – yet, it’s predicted to make up 40% of global PC shipments by the end of 2025. So, if you are towards the end of your PC/Laptop lifecycle – you might be at a crossroads.

So, do I need an AI PC?

In this fast-developing market, organisations need to consider AI PC capabilities and how they could help with productivity, transforming how they work.

In this eBook, we speak with leading AI experts to answer some of these questions and concerns, and discuss:

  • The benefits of AI PCs
  • AI PC vs cloud computing
  • Security and privacy challenges

Also, we offer examples from the real world, along with key insights to help you make the most of this evolving technology!

  Download eBook


A photo of Rob May

Rob May

Rob May is the founder and Executive Chair of ramsac, he has a team of over 120 consultants working with him to deliver Technology and Cyber security services/support. He is also an author, a thought leader, and an award-winning international speaker.

A Photo of Rafael Bloom

Rafael Bloom

Rafael has spent his career within senior Technology Product, Marketing Communications and Business Development roles. His advisory practice focuses on the new organisational, product and communications challenges of technological and regulatory changes.

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