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Work and play: Why you should edit photos and videos with a gaming PC

Work and play: Why you should edit photos and videos with a gaming PC

The silhouette of a PC gamer wearing headphones against the backdrop of a PC monitor displaying gameplay

Did you know that gamers and photo/video editors share a common interest? While some may find the combination unlikely at first, it’s not that perplexing when you think about it.

That common interest is their PC; more precisely, the RAM designed for gaming PCs. High-performance gaming memory helps games and applications operate more efficiently, such as by improving FPS and responsiveness. More RAM capacity allows more content/data to be loaded from storage and utilised, like data-heavy image and video files.

Overclockable RAM designed for gaming PCs is generally recognised as meeting the most rigorous performance demands while having the ability to simultaneously multitask, easily handling extreme workload applications. Hmmm, that sounds like the world of photo/video editing as well.

Let’s look at some real-life RAM similarities between gamers and photo/video editors.

A young man looking at a PC monitor in front of a backlit keyboard with a lamp in the background

32GB is an ideal amount of RAM for a gaming PC. It’s also a good beginning point for professional photo/video editors (although the larger the capacity, the better, especially for video editors working with 4K resolution and higher).

Likewise, for individuals – whether gamers or photo/video editors – who have a lot of programs running in the background, 32GB or even up to 128GB may be more practical. Gaming PCs are built to handle a wide array of content that requires heavy processing power. Similarly, photo and video editing software requires the same amount of power to process video in real time and edit it at granular levels.

Another similarity between the RAM needs of gamers and photo/video editors is speed, as it determines how fast critical information is accessed. In both instances – as you’d expect – the higher the speed, the better the performance.

The final RAM similarity between the two is DIY capability. While both groups can easily buy off the shelf or order a custom-built machine to meet their needs, many gamers and photo/video editors are adventurous types and enjoy building their own computer. For these individuals, adding RAM is easy.

RAM is sold in modules that plug into a PC’s motherboard, which typically has four RAM sockets, although some can have up to eight or little as two DIMM slots for small-form-factor PCs. Single RAM modules tend to range in size from 4GB to 32GB and are best purchased as a kit consisting of two or four modules. This allows users to take advantage of multi-channel performance.

There are three generations of RAM available today from Kingston: DDR3, DDR4 and DDR5. The newest is DDR5, which runs faster and more efficiently than DDR4.

No matter the use case: gaming, editing, work or play, Kingston Technology is proud to offer a range of speeds and sizes for all budgets and systems with Kingston FURY memory product lines. Each RAM type can be purchased in kits of up to eight.

#KingstonFURY #KingstonIsWithYou

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